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This is the verbatim text of the qstring.h include file. It is provided only for illustration; the copyright remains with Trolltech.

** $Id: qt/qstring.h   3.3.7   edited Aug 31 2005 $
** Definition of the QString class, and related Unicode functions.
** Created : 920609
** Copyright (C) 1992-2005 Trolltech AS.  All rights reserved.
** This file is part of the tools module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
** packaging of this file.
** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License
** Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for
**   information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information.
** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information.
** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are
** not clear to you.

#ifndef QSTRING_H
#define QSTRING_H

#ifndef QT_H
#include "qcstring.h"
#endif // QT_H

#include <limits.h>

#ifndef QT_NO_STL
#if defined ( Q_CC_MSVC_NET ) && _MSC_VER < 1310 // Avoids nasty warning for xlocale, line 450
#  pragma warning ( push )
#  pragma warning ( disable : 4189 )
#  include <string>
#  pragma warning ( pop )
#  include <string>
#if defined(Q_WRONG_SB_CTYPE_MACROS) && defined(_SB_CTYPE_MACROS)

  QString class

class QRegExp;
class QString;
class QCharRef;
template <class T> class QDeepCopy;

class Q_EXPORT QChar {
    QChar( char c );
    QChar( uchar c );
    QChar( uchar c, uchar r );
    QChar( const QChar& c ); // ### remove in 4.0 to allow compiler optimization
    QChar( ushort rc );
    QChar( short rc );
    QChar( uint rc );
    QChar( int rc );

    QT_STATIC_CONST QChar null;            // 0000
    QT_STATIC_CONST QChar replacement;     // FFFD
    QT_STATIC_CONST QChar byteOrderMark;     // FEFF
    QT_STATIC_CONST QChar byteOrderSwapped;     // FFFE
    QT_STATIC_CONST QChar nbsp;            // 00A0

    // Unicode information

    enum Category

        Mark_NonSpacing,          //   Mn
        Mark_SpacingCombining,    //   Mc
        Mark_Enclosing,           //   Me

        Number_DecimalDigit,      //   Nd
        Number_Letter,            //   Nl
        Number_Other,             //   No

        Separator_Space,          //   Zs
        Separator_Line,           //   Zl
        Separator_Paragraph,      //   Zp

        Other_Control,            //   Cc
        Other_Format,             //   Cf
        Other_Surrogate,          //   Cs
        Other_PrivateUse,         //   Co
        Other_NotAssigned,        //   Cn

        Letter_Uppercase,         //   Lu
        Letter_Lowercase,         //   Ll
        Letter_Titlecase,         //   Lt
        Letter_Modifier,          //   Lm
        Letter_Other,             //   Lo

        Punctuation_Connector,    //   Pc
        Punctuation_Dash,         //   Pd
        Punctuation_Dask = Punctuation_Dash, // oops
        Punctuation_Open,         //   Ps
        Punctuation_Close,        //   Pe
        Punctuation_InitialQuote, //   Pi
        Punctuation_FinalQuote,   //   Pf
        Punctuation_Other,        //   Po

        Symbol_Math,              //   Sm
        Symbol_Currency,          //   Sc
        Symbol_Modifier,          //   Sk
        Symbol_Other              //   So

    enum Direction
        DirL, DirR, DirEN, DirES, DirET, DirAN, DirCS, DirB, DirS, DirWS, DirON,
        DirLRE, DirLRO, DirAL, DirRLE, DirRLO, DirPDF, DirNSM, DirBN

    enum Decomposition
        Single, Canonical, Font, NoBreak, Initial, Medial,
        Final, Isolated, Circle, Super, Sub, Vertical,
        Wide, Narrow, Small, Square, Compat, Fraction

    enum Joining
        OtherJoining, Dual, Right, Center

    enum CombiningClass
        Combining_BelowLeftAttached       = 200,
        Combining_BelowAttached           = 202,
        Combining_BelowRightAttached      = 204,
        Combining_LeftAttached            = 208,
        Combining_RightAttached           = 210,
        Combining_AboveLeftAttached       = 212,
        Combining_AboveAttached           = 214,
        Combining_AboveRightAttached      = 216,

        Combining_BelowLeft               = 218,
        Combining_Below                   = 220,
        Combining_BelowRight              = 222,
        Combining_Left                    = 224,
        Combining_Right                   = 226,
        Combining_AboveLeft               = 228,
        Combining_Above                   = 230,
        Combining_AboveRight              = 232,

        Combining_DoubleBelow             = 233,
        Combining_DoubleAbove             = 234,
        Combining_IotaSubscript           = 240


    int digitValue() const;
    QChar lower() const;
    QChar upper() const;

    Category category() const;
    Direction direction() const;
    Joining joining() const;
    bool mirrored() const;
    QChar mirroredChar() const;
    const QString &decomposition() const; // ### return just QString in 4.0
    Decomposition decompositionTag() const;
    unsigned char combiningClass() const;

    char latin1() const { return ucs > 0xff ? 0 : (char) ucs; }
    ushort unicode() const { return ucs; }
    ushort &unicode() { return *(&ucs); }
    ushort &unicode() { return ucs; }
    // like all ifdef'd code this is undocumented
    operator char() const { return latin1(); }

    bool isNull() const { return unicode()==0; }
    bool isPrint() const;
    bool isPunct() const;
    bool isSpace() const;
    bool isMark() const;
    bool isLetter() const;
    bool isNumber() const;
    bool isLetterOrNumber() const;
    bool isDigit() const;
    bool isSymbol() const;

    uchar cell() const { return ((uchar) ucs & 0xff); }
    uchar row() const { return ((uchar) (ucs>>8)&0xff); }
    void setCell( uchar cell ) { ucs = (ucs & 0xff00) + cell; }
    void setRow( uchar row ) { ucs = (((ushort) row)<<8) + (ucs&0xff); }

    static bool networkOrdered() {
	int wordSize;
	bool bigEndian = FALSE;
	qSysInfo( &wordSize, &bigEndian );
	return bigEndian;

    friend inline bool operator==( char ch, QChar c );
    friend inline bool operator==( QChar c, char ch );
    friend inline bool operator==( QChar c1, QChar c2 );
    friend inline bool operator!=( QChar c1, QChar c2 );
    friend inline bool operator!=( char ch, QChar c );
    friend inline bool operator!=( QChar c, char ch );
    friend inline bool operator<=( QChar c, char ch );
    friend inline bool operator<=( char ch, QChar c );
    friend inline bool operator<=( QChar c1, QChar c2 );

    ushort ucs;
#if defined(QT_QSTRING_UCS_4)
    ushort grp;

inline QChar::QChar() : ucs( 0 )
    , grp( 0 )
inline QChar::QChar( char c ) : ucs( (uchar)c )
    , grp( 0 )
inline QChar::QChar( uchar c ) : ucs( c )
    , grp( 0 )
inline QChar::QChar( uchar c, uchar r ) : ucs( (r << 8) | c )
    , grp( 0 )
inline QChar::QChar( const QChar& c ) : ucs( c.ucs )
   , grp( c.grp )

inline QChar::QChar( ushort rc ) : ucs( rc )
    , grp( 0 )
inline QChar::QChar( short rc ) : ucs( (ushort) rc )
    , grp( 0 )
inline QChar::QChar( uint rc ) : ucs(  (ushort ) (rc & 0xffff) )
    , grp( (ushort) ((rc >> 16) & 0xffff) )
inline QChar::QChar( int rc ) : ucs( (ushort) (rc & 0xffff) )
    , grp( (ushort) ((rc >> 16) & 0xffff) )

inline bool operator==( char ch, QChar c )
    return ((uchar) ch) == c.ucs;

inline bool operator==( QChar c, char ch )
    return ((uchar) ch) == c.ucs;

inline bool operator==( QChar c1, QChar c2 )
    return c1.ucs == c2.ucs;

inline bool operator!=( QChar c1, QChar c2 )
    return c1.ucs != c2.ucs;

inline bool operator!=( char ch, QChar c )
    return ((uchar)ch) != c.ucs;

inline bool operator!=( QChar c, char ch )
    return ((uchar) ch) != c.ucs;

inline bool operator<=( QChar c, char ch )
    return c.ucs <= ((uchar) ch);

inline bool operator<=( char ch, QChar c )
    return ((uchar) ch) <= c.ucs;

inline bool operator<=( QChar c1, QChar c2 )
    return c1.ucs <= c2.ucs;

inline bool operator>=( QChar c, char ch ) { return ch <= c; }
inline bool operator>=( char ch, QChar c ) { return c <= ch; }
inline bool operator>=( QChar c1, QChar c2 ) { return c2 <= c1; }
inline bool operator<( QChar c, char ch ) { return !(ch<=c); }
inline bool operator<( char ch, QChar c ) { return !(c<=ch); }
inline bool operator<( QChar c1, QChar c2 ) { return !(c2<=c1); }
inline bool operator>( QChar c, char ch ) { return !(ch>=c); }
inline bool operator>( char ch, QChar c ) { return !(c>=ch); }
inline bool operator>( QChar c1, QChar c2 ) { return !(c2>=c1); }

// internal
struct Q_EXPORT QStringData : public QShared {
    QStringData() :
        QShared(), unicode(0), ascii(0), len(0), issimpletext(TRUE), maxl(0), islatin1(FALSE) { ref(); }
    QStringData(QChar *u, uint l, uint m) :
        QShared(), unicode(u), ascii(0), len(l), issimpletext(FALSE), maxl(m), islatin1(FALSE) { }
    ~QStringData() { if ( unicode ) delete[] ((char*)unicode);
                     if ( ascii ) delete[] ascii; }

    void deleteSelf();
    QChar *unicode;
    char *ascii;
    void setDirty() {
	if ( ascii ) {
	    delete [] ascii;
	    ascii = 0;
	issimpletext = FALSE;
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC9
    uint len;
    uint len : 30;
    uint issimpletext : 1;
#ifdef Q_OS_MAC9
    uint maxl;
    uint maxl : 30;
    uint islatin1 : 1;

#if defined(Q_DISABLE_COPY)
    QStringData( const QStringData& );
    QStringData& operator=( const QStringData& );

class Q_EXPORT QString
    QString();                                  // make null string
    QString( QChar );                           // one-char string
    QString( const QString & );                 // impl-shared copy
    QString( const QByteArray& );               // deep copy
    QString( const QChar* unicode, uint length ); // deep copy
    QString( const char *str );                 // deep copy
#ifndef QT_NO_STL
    QString( const std::string& );                   // deep copy

    QString    &operator=( const QString & );   // impl-shared copy
    QString    &operator=( const char * );      // deep copy
#ifndef QT_NO_STL
    QString    &operator=( const std::string& );     // deep copy
    QString    &operator=( const QCString& );   // deep copy
    QString    &operator=( QChar c );
    QString    &operator=( char c );

    QT_STATIC_CONST QString null;

    bool        isNull()        const;
    bool        isEmpty()       const;
    uint        length()        const;
    void        truncate( uint pos );

    QString &   fill( QChar c, int len = -1 );

    QString     copy()  const;

    QString arg( long a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10 ) const;
    QString arg( ulong a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10 ) const;
    QString arg( Q_LLONG a, int fieldwidth=0, int base=10 ) const;
    QString arg( Q_ULLONG a, int fieldwidth=0, int base=10 ) const;
    QString arg( int a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10 ) const;
    QString arg( uint a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10 ) const;
    QString arg( short a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10 ) const;
    QString arg( ushort a, int fieldWidth = 0, int base = 10 ) const;
    QString arg( double a, int fieldWidth = 0, char fmt = 'g',
		 int prec = -1 ) const;
    QString arg( char a, int fieldWidth = 0 ) const;
    QString arg( QChar a, int fieldWidth = 0 ) const;
    QString arg( const QString& a, int fieldWidth = 0 ) const;
    QString arg( const QString& a1, const QString& a2 ) const;
    QString arg( const QString& a1, const QString& a2,
		 const QString& a3 ) const;
    QString arg( const QString& a1, const QString& a2, const QString& a3,
		 const QString& a4 ) const;

    QString    &sprintf( const char* format, ... )
#if defined(Q_CC_GNU) && !defined(__INSURE__)
        __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)))

    int         find( QChar c, int index=0, bool cs=TRUE ) const;
    int         find( char c, int index=0, bool cs=TRUE ) const;
    int         find( const QString &str, int index=0, bool cs=TRUE ) const;
#ifndef QT_NO_REGEXP
    int         find( const QRegExp &, int index=0 ) const;
    int         find( const char* str, int index=0 ) const;
    int         findRev( QChar c, int index=-1, bool cs=TRUE) const;
    int         findRev( char c, int index=-1, bool cs=TRUE) const;
    int         findRev( const QString &str, int index=-1, bool cs=TRUE) const;
#ifndef QT_NO_REGEXP
    int         findRev( const QRegExp &, int index=-1 ) const;
    int         findRev( const char* str, int index=-1 ) const;
    int         contains( QChar c, bool cs=TRUE ) const;
    int         contains( char c, bool cs=TRUE ) const
                    { return contains(QChar(c), cs); }
    int         contains( const char* str, bool cs=TRUE ) const;
    int         contains( const QString &str, bool cs=TRUE ) const;
#ifndef QT_NO_REGEXP
    int         contains( const QRegExp & ) const;

    enum SectionFlags {
	SectionDefault             = 0x00,
	SectionSkipEmpty           = 0x01,
	SectionIncludeLeadingSep   = 0x02,
	SectionIncludeTrailingSep  = 0x04,
	SectionCaseInsensitiveSeps = 0x08
    QString     section( QChar sep, int start, int end = 0xffffffff, int flags = SectionDefault ) const;
    QString     section( char sep, int start, int end = 0xffffffff, int flags = SectionDefault ) const;
    QString      section( const char *in_sep, int start, int end = 0xffffffff, int flags = SectionDefault ) const;
    QString     section( const QString &in_sep, int start, int end = 0xffffffff, int flags = SectionDefault ) const;
#ifndef QT_NO_REGEXP
    QString     section( const QRegExp &reg, int start, int end = 0xffffffff, int flags = SectionDefault ) const;

    QString     left( uint len )  const;
    QString     right( uint len ) const;
    QString     mid( uint index, uint len=0xffffffff) const;

    QString     leftJustify( uint width, QChar fill=' ', bool trunc=FALSE)const;
    QString     rightJustify( uint width, QChar fill=' ',bool trunc=FALSE)const;

    QString     lower() const;
    QString     upper() const;

    QString     stripWhiteSpace()       const;
    QString     simplifyWhiteSpace()    const;

    QString    &insert( uint index, const QString & );
    QString    &insert( uint index, const QByteArray & );
    QString    &insert( uint index, const char * );
    QString    &insert( uint index, const QChar*, uint len );
    QString    &insert( uint index, QChar );
    QString    &insert( uint index, char c ) { return insert(index,QChar(c)); }
    QString    &append( char );
    QString    &append( QChar );
    QString    &append( const QString & );
    QString    &append( const QByteArray & );
    QString    &append( const char * );
#if !defined(QT_NO_STL) && !defined(QT_NO_CAST_ASCII)
    QString    &append( const std::string& );
    QString    &prepend( char );
    QString    &prepend( QChar );
    QString    &prepend( const QString & );
    QString    &prepend( const QByteArray & );
    QString    &prepend( const char * );
#if !defined(QT_NO_STL) && !defined(QT_NO_CAST_ASCII)
    QString    &prepend( const std::string& );
    QString    &remove( uint index, uint len );
#if defined(Q_QDOC)
    QString    &remove( const QString & str, bool cs = TRUE );
    // ### Qt 4.0: merge these two into one, and remove Q_QDOC hack
    QString    &remove( const QString & );
    QString    &remove( const QString &, bool cs );
    QString    &remove( QChar c );
    QString    &remove( char c )
    { return remove( QChar(c) ); }
    QString    &remove( const char * );
#ifndef QT_NO_REGEXP
    QString    &remove( const QRegExp & );
    QString    &replace( uint index, uint len, const QString & );
    QString    &replace( uint index, uint len, const QChar*, uint clen );
    QString    &replace( uint index, uint len, QChar );
    QString    &replace( uint index, uint len, char c )
    { return replace( index, len, QChar(c) ); }
#if defined(Q_QDOC)
    QString    &replace( QChar c, const QString & after, bool cs = TRUE );
    QString    &replace( char c, const QString & after, bool cs = TRUE );
    QString    &replace( const QString & before, const QString & after,
			 bool cs = TRUE );
    // ### Qt 4.0: merge these two into one, and remove Q_QDOC hack
    QString    &replace( QChar c, const QString & );
    QString    &replace( QChar c, const QString &, bool );

    // ### Qt 4.0: merge these two into one, and remove Q_QDOC hack
    QString    &replace( char c, const QString & after )
    { return replace( QChar(c), after, TRUE ); }
    QString    &replace( char c, const QString & after, bool cs )
    { return replace( QChar(c), after, cs ); }

    // ### Qt 4.0: merge these two into one, and remove Q_QDOC hack
    QString    &replace( const QString &, const QString & );
    QString    &replace( const QString &, const QString &, bool );
    QString    &replace( const QRegExp &, const QString & );
    QString    &replace( QChar, QChar );

    short       toShort( bool *ok=0, int base=10 )      const;
    ushort      toUShort( bool *ok=0, int base=10 )     const;
    int         toInt( bool *ok=0, int base=10 )        const;
    uint        toUInt( bool *ok=0, int base=10 )       const;
    long        toLong( bool *ok=0, int base=10 )       const;
    ulong       toULong( bool *ok=0, int base=10 )      const;
    Q_LLONG     toLongLong( bool *ok=0, int base=10 )   const;
    Q_ULLONG    toULongLong( bool *ok=0, int base=10 )  const;
    float       toFloat( bool *ok=0 )   const;
    double      toDouble( bool *ok=0 )  const;

    QString    &setNum( short, int base=10 );
    QString    &setNum( ushort, int base=10 );
    QString    &setNum( int, int base=10 );
    QString    &setNum( uint, int base=10 );
    QString    &setNum( long, int base=10 );
    QString    &setNum( ulong, int base=10 );
    QString    &setNum( Q_LLONG, int base=10 );
    QString    &setNum( Q_ULLONG, int base=10 );
    QString    &setNum( float, char f='g', int prec=6 );
    QString    &setNum( double, char f='g', int prec=6 );

    static QString number( long, int base=10 );
    static QString number( ulong, int base=10);
    static QString number( Q_LLONG, int base=10 );
    static QString number( Q_ULLONG, int base=10);
    static QString number( int, int base=10 );
    static QString number( uint, int base=10);
    static QString number( double, char f='g', int prec=6 );

    void        setExpand( uint index, QChar c );

    QString    &operator+=( const QString &str );
    QString    &operator+=( const QByteArray &str );
    QString    &operator+=( const char *str );
#if !defined(QT_NO_STL) && !defined(QT_NO_CAST_ASCII)
    QString    &operator+=( const std::string& );
    QString    &operator+=( QChar c );
    QString    &operator+=( char c );

    QChar at( uint i ) const
        { return i < d->len ? d->unicode[i] : QChar::null; }
    QChar operator[]( int i ) const { return at((uint)i); }
    QCharRef at( uint i );
    QCharRef operator[]( int i );

    QChar constref(uint i) const
        { return at(i); }
    QChar& ref(uint i)
        { // Optimized for easy-inlining by simple compilers.
            if ( d->count != 1 || i >= d->len )
                subat( i );
            return d->unicode[i];

    const QChar* unicode() const { return d->unicode; }
    const char* ascii() const;
    static QString fromAscii(const char*, int len=-1);
    const char* latin1() const;
    static QString fromLatin1(const char*, int len=-1);
    QCString utf8() const;
    static QString fromUtf8(const char*, int len=-1);
    QCString local8Bit() const;
    static QString fromLocal8Bit(const char*, int len=-1);
    bool operator!() const;
    operator const char *() const { return ascii(); }
#ifndef QT_NO_STL
    operator std::string() const { return ascii() ? ascii() : ""; }

    static QString fromUcs2( const unsigned short *ucs2 );
    const unsigned short *ucs2() const;

    QString &setUnicode( const QChar* unicode, uint len );
    QString &setUnicodeCodes( const ushort* unicode_as_ushorts, uint len );
    QString &setAscii( const char*, int len=-1 );
    QString &setLatin1( const char*, int len=-1 );

    int compare( const QString& s ) const;
    static int compare( const QString& s1, const QString& s2 )
    { return s1.compare( s2 ); }

    int localeAwareCompare( const QString& s ) const;
    static int localeAwareCompare( const QString& s1, const QString& s2 )
    { return s1.localeAwareCompare( s2 ); }

    friend Q_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &, QString & );

    void compose();

#ifndef QT_NO_COMPAT
    const char* data() const { return ascii(); }

#if defined(Q_QDOC)
    bool startsWith( const QString& str, bool cs = TRUE ) const;
    bool endsWith( const QString& str, bool cs = TRUE ) const;
    // ### Qt 4.0: merge these two into one, and remove Q_QDOC hack
    bool startsWith( const QString& str ) const;
    bool startsWith( const QString& str, bool cs ) const;

    // ### Qt 4.0: merge these two into one, and remove Q_QDOC hack
    bool endsWith( const QString& str ) const;
    bool endsWith( const QString& str, bool cs ) const;

    void setLength( uint newLength );

    uint capacity() const;
    void reserve( uint minCapacity );
    void squeeze();

    bool simpleText() const { if ( !d->issimpletext ) checkSimpleText(); return (bool)d->issimpletext; }
    bool isRightToLeft() const;

    QString( int size, bool /* dummy */ );	// allocate size incl. \0

    void deref();
    void real_detach();
    void subat( uint );
    QString multiArg( int numArgs, const QString& a1, const QString& a2,
		      const QString& a3 = QString::null,
		      const QString& a4 = QString::null ) const;

    void checkSimpleText() const;
    void grow( uint newLength );
    QString &insertHelper( uint index, const char *s, uint len=UINT_MAX );
    QString &operatorPlusEqHelper( const char *s, uint len2=UINT_MAX );

    static QChar* latin1ToUnicode( const char*, uint * len, uint maxlen=(uint)-1 );
    static QChar* latin1ToUnicode( const QByteArray&, uint * len );
    static char* unicodeToLatin1( const QChar*, uint len );

    QStringData *d;
    static QStringData* shared_null;
    static QStringData* makeSharedNull();

    friend class QConstString;
    friend class QTextStream;
    QString( QStringData* dd, bool /* dummy */ ) : d(dd) { }

    // needed for QDeepCopy
    void detach();
    friend class QDeepCopy<QString>;

class Q_EXPORT QCharRef {
    friend class QString;
    QString& s;
    uint p;
    QCharRef(QString* str, uint pos) : s(*str), p(pos) { }

    // most QChar operations repeated here

    // all this is not documented: We just say "like QChar" and let it be.
#ifndef Q_QDOC
    ushort unicode() const { return s.constref(p).unicode(); }
    char latin1() const { return s.constref(p).latin1(); }

    // An operator= for each QChar cast constructors
    QCharRef operator=(char c ) { s.ref(p)=c; return *this; }
    QCharRef operator=(uchar c ) { s.ref(p)=c; return *this; }
    QCharRef operator=(QChar c ) { s.ref(p)=c; return *this; }
    QCharRef operator=(const QCharRef& c ) { s.ref(p)=c.unicode(); return *this; }
    QCharRef operator=(ushort rc ) { s.ref(p)=rc; return *this; }
    QCharRef operator=(short rc ) { s.ref(p)=rc; return *this; }
    QCharRef operator=(uint rc ) { s.ref(p)=rc; return *this; }
    QCharRef operator=(int rc ) { s.ref(p)=rc; return *this; }

    operator QChar () const { return s.constref(p); }

    // each function...
    bool isNull() const { return unicode()==0; }
    bool isPrint() const { return s.constref(p).isPrint(); }
    bool isPunct() const { return s.constref(p).isPunct(); }
    bool isSpace() const { return s.constref(p).isSpace(); }
    bool isMark() const { return s.constref(p).isMark(); }
    bool isLetter() const { return s.constref(p).isLetter(); }
    bool isNumber() const { return s.constref(p).isNumber(); }
    bool isLetterOrNumber() { return s.constref(p).isLetterOrNumber(); }
    bool isDigit() const { return s.constref(p).isDigit(); }

    int digitValue() const { return s.constref(p).digitValue(); }
    QChar lower() const { return s.constref(p).lower(); }
    QChar upper() const { return s.constref(p).upper(); }

    QChar::Category category() const { return s.constref(p).category(); }
    QChar::Direction direction() const { return s.constref(p).direction(); }
    QChar::Joining joining() const { return s.constref(p).joining(); }
    bool mirrored() const { return s.constref(p).mirrored(); }
    QChar mirroredChar() const { return s.constref(p).mirroredChar(); }
    const QString &decomposition() const { return s.constref(p).decomposition(); }
    QChar::Decomposition decompositionTag() const { return s.constref(p).decompositionTag(); }
    unsigned char combiningClass() const { return s.constref(p).combiningClass(); }

    // Not the non-const ones of these.
    uchar cell() const { return s.constref(p).cell(); }
    uchar row() const { return s.constref(p).row(); }

inline QCharRef QString::at( uint i ) { return QCharRef(this,i); }
inline QCharRef QString::operator[]( int i ) { return at((uint)i); }

class Q_EXPORT QConstString : private QString {
    QConstString( const QChar* unicode, uint length );
    const QString& string() const { return *this; }

  QString stream functions
Q_EXPORT QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &, const QString & );
Q_EXPORT QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &, QString & );

  QString inline functions

// These two move code into makeSharedNull() and deletesData()
// to improve cache-coherence (and reduce code bloat), while
// keeping the common cases fast.
// No safe way to pre-init shared_null on ALL compilers/linkers.
inline QString::QString() :
    d(shared_null ? shared_null : makeSharedNull())
inline QString::~QString()
    if ( d->deref() ) {
        if ( d != shared_null )

// needed for QDeepCopy
inline void QString::detach()
{ real_detach(); }

inline QString QString::section( QChar sep, int start, int end, int flags ) const
{ return section(QString(sep), start, end, flags); }

inline QString QString::section( char sep, int start, int end, int flags ) const
{ return section(QChar(sep), start, end, flags); }

inline QString QString::section( const char *in_sep, int start, int end, int flags ) const
{ return section(QString(in_sep), start, end, flags); }

inline QString &QString::operator=( QChar c )
{ *this = QString(c); return *this; }

inline QString &QString::operator=( char c )
{ *this = QString(QChar(c)); return *this; }

inline bool QString::isNull() const
{ return unicode() == 0; }

inline bool QString::operator!() const
{ return isNull(); }

inline uint QString::length() const
{ return d->len; }

inline uint QString::capacity() const
{ return d->maxl; }

inline bool QString::isEmpty() const
{ return length() == 0; }

inline QString QString::copy() const
{ return QString( *this ); }

inline QString &QString::insert( uint index, const char *s )
{ return insertHelper( index, s ); }

inline QString &QString::insert( uint index, const QByteArray &s )
    int pos = s.find( 0 );
    return insertHelper( index, s, pos==-1 ? s.size() : pos );

inline QString &QString::prepend( const QString & s )
{ return insert(0,s); }

inline QString &QString::prepend( QChar c )
{ return insert(0,c); }

inline QString &QString::prepend( char c )
{ return insert(0,c); }

inline QString &QString::prepend( const QByteArray & s )
{ return insert(0,s); }

inline QString &QString::operator+=( const QByteArray &s )
    int pos = s.find( 0 );
    return operatorPlusEqHelper( s, pos==-1 ? s.size() : pos );

inline QString &QString::append( const QString & s )
{ return operator+=(s); }

inline QString &QString::append( const QByteArray &s )
{ return operator+=(s); }

inline QString &QString::append( const char * s )
{ return operator+=(s); }

inline QString &QString::append( QChar c )
{ return operator+=(c); }

inline QString &QString::append( char c )
{ return operator+=(c); }

#ifndef QT_NO_STL
inline QString &QString::operator=( const std::string& str )
{ return operator=(str.c_str()); }
inline QString &QString::operator+=( const std::string& s )
{ return operator+=(s.c_str()); }
inline QString &QString::append( const std::string& s )
{ return operator+=(s); }
inline QString &QString::prepend( const std::string& s )
{ return insert(0, s); }

inline QString &QString::setNum( short n, int base )
{ return setNum((Q_LLONG)n, base); }

inline QString &QString::setNum( ushort n, int base )
{ return setNum((Q_ULLONG)n, base); }

inline QString &QString::setNum( int n, int base )
{ return setNum((Q_LLONG)n, base); }

inline QString &QString::setNum( uint n, int base )
{ return setNum((Q_ULLONG)n, base); }

inline QString &QString::setNum( float n, char f, int prec )
{ return setNum((double)n,f,prec); }

inline QString QString::arg( int a, int fieldWidth, int base ) const
{ return arg( (Q_LLONG)a, fieldWidth, base ); }

inline QString QString::arg( uint a, int fieldWidth, int base ) const
{ return arg( (Q_ULLONG)a, fieldWidth, base ); }

inline QString QString::arg( short a, int fieldWidth, int base ) const
{ return arg( (Q_LLONG)a, fieldWidth, base ); }

inline QString QString::arg( ushort a, int fieldWidth, int base ) const
{ return arg( (Q_ULLONG)a, fieldWidth, base ); }

inline QString QString::arg( const QString& a1, const QString& a2 ) const {
    return multiArg( 2, a1, a2 );

inline QString QString::arg( const QString& a1, const QString& a2,
			     const QString& a3 ) const {
    return multiArg( 3, a1, a2, a3 );

inline QString QString::arg( const QString& a1, const QString& a2,
			     const QString& a3, const QString& a4 ) const {
    return multiArg( 4, a1, a2, a3, a4 );

inline int QString::find( char c, int index, bool cs ) const
{ return find(QChar(c), index, cs); }

inline int QString::findRev( char c, int index, bool cs ) const
{ return findRev( QChar(c), index, cs ); }

inline int QString::find( const char* str, int index ) const
{ return find(QString::fromAscii(str), index); }

inline int QString::findRev( const char* str, int index ) const
{ return findRev(QString::fromAscii(str), index); }

  QString non-member operators

Q_EXPORT bool operator!=( const QString &s1, const QString &s2 );
Q_EXPORT bool operator<( const QString &s1, const QString &s2 );
Q_EXPORT bool operator<=( const QString &s1, const QString &s2 );
Q_EXPORT bool operator==( const QString &s1, const QString &s2 );
Q_EXPORT bool operator>( const QString &s1, const QString &s2 );
Q_EXPORT bool operator>=( const QString &s1, const QString &s2 );
Q_EXPORT bool operator!=( const QString &s1, const char *s2 );
Q_EXPORT bool operator<( const QString &s1, const char *s2 );
Q_EXPORT bool operator<=( const QString &s1, const char *s2 );
Q_EXPORT bool operator==( const QString &s1, const char *s2 );
Q_EXPORT bool operator>( const QString &s1, const char *s2 );
Q_EXPORT bool operator>=( const QString &s1, const char *s2 );
Q_EXPORT bool operator!=( const char *s1, const QString &s2 );
Q_EXPORT bool operator<( const char *s1, const QString &s2 );
Q_EXPORT bool operator<=( const char *s1, const QString &s2 );
Q_EXPORT bool operator==( const char *s1, const QString &s2 );
//Q_EXPORT bool operator>( const char *s1, const QString &s2 ); // MSVC++
Q_EXPORT bool operator>=( const char *s1, const QString &s2 );

Q_EXPORT inline const QString operator+( const QString &s1, const QString &s2 )
    QString tmp( s1 );
    tmp += s2;
    return tmp;

Q_EXPORT inline const QString operator+( const QString &s1, const char *s2 )
    QString tmp( s1 );
    tmp += QString::fromAscii(s2);
    return tmp;

Q_EXPORT inline const QString operator+( const char *s1, const QString &s2 )
    QString tmp = QString::fromAscii( s1 );
    tmp += s2;
    return tmp;

Q_EXPORT inline const QString operator+( const QString &s1, QChar c2 )
    QString tmp( s1 );
    tmp += c2;
    return tmp;

Q_EXPORT inline const QString operator+( const QString &s1, char c2 )
    QString tmp( s1 );
    tmp += c2;
    return tmp;

Q_EXPORT inline const QString operator+( QChar c1, const QString &s2 )
    QString tmp;
    tmp += c1;
    tmp += s2;
    return tmp;

Q_EXPORT inline const QString operator+( char c1, const QString &s2 )
    QString tmp;
    tmp += c1;
    tmp += s2;
    return tmp;

#ifndef QT_NO_STL
Q_EXPORT inline const QString operator+(const QString& s1, const std::string& s2)
    return s1 + QString(s2);

Q_EXPORT inline const QString operator+(const std::string& s1, const QString& s2)
    QString tmp(s2);
    return QString(tmp.prepend(s1));

#if defined(Q_OS_WIN32)
extern Q_EXPORT QString qt_winQString(void*);
extern Q_EXPORT const void* qt_winTchar(const QString& str, bool addnul);
extern Q_EXPORT void* qt_winTchar_new(const QString& str);
extern Q_EXPORT QCString qt_winQString2MB( const QString& s, int len=-1 );
extern Q_EXPORT QString qt_winMB2QString( const char* mb, int len=-1 );

#include "qwinexport.h"
#endif // QSTRING_H

Copyright © 2005 TrolltechTrademarks
Qt 3.3.7