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QAccessible Class Reference

The QAccessible class provides enums and static functions relating to accessibility. More...

#include <qaccessible.h>

Inherited by QAccessibleInterface.

List of all member functions.

Public Members

Static Public Members

Detailed Description

The QAccessible class provides enums and static functions relating to accessibility.

Accessibility clients use implementations of the QAccessibleInterface to read the information an accessible object exposes, or to call functions to manipulate the accessible object.

See the plugin documentation for more details about how to redistribute Qt plugins.

See also Miscellaneous Classes.

Member Type Documentation


This enum type defines event types when the state of the accessible object has changed. The event types are:


This enum specifies which item to move to when navigating.


This enum defines a number of roles an accessible object can have. The roles are:


This enum type defines bitflags that can be combined to indicate the state of the accessible object. The values are:


This enum specifies string information that an accessible object returns.

Member Function Documentation

bool QAccessible::isActive () [static]

Returns TRUE if an accessibility implementation has been requested, during the runtime of the application, otherwise returns FALSE.

Use this function to prevent potentially expensive notifications via updateAccessibility().

QRESULT QAccessible::queryAccessibleInterface ( QObject * object, QAccessibleInterface ** iface ) [static]

Sets iface to point to the implementation of the QAccessibleInterface for object, and returns QS_OK if successfull, or sets iface to 0 and returns QE_NOCOMPONENT if no accessibility implementation for object exists.

The function uses the classname of object to find a suitable implementation. If no implementation for the object's class is available the function tries to find an implementation for the object's parent class.

This function is called to answer an accessibility client's request for object information. You should never need to call this function yourself.

void QAccessible::updateAccessibility ( QObject * object, int control, Event reason ) [static]

Notifies accessibility clients about a change in object's accessibility information.

reason specifies the cause of the change, for example, ValueChange when the position of a slider has been changed. control is the ID of the child element that has changed. When control is 0, the object itself has changed.

Call this function whenever the state of your accessible object or one of it's sub-elements has been changed either programmatically (e.g. by calling QLabel::setText()) or by user interaction.

If there are no accessibility tools listening to this event, the performance penalty for calling this function is minor, but if determining the parameters of the call is expensive you can use isActive() to avoid unnecessary performance penalties if no client is listening.

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